Data wygenerowania zapytania ofertowego: 2022-01-17

PAK Kopalnia Węgla Brunatnego Konin S.A.

600-lecia 9

62-540 Kleczew

NIP: 665-00-03-147

ZAPYTANIE OFERTOWE NR Z16/461288/aktualizacja2


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Tytuł zapytania

Treść zmian (aktualizacja):

Uzupełnienie załączników

Treść zapytania:

ZE PAK S.A. (The Seller) invites to submit a written quotation for open tender with tie-break for sale.

1. Subject of sale:

Sale of redundant materials and spare parts of a turbine 13K215 manufactured by Zamech Elbląg and a rotor NP Westinghouse as specified in app. no. 1, 2, and 3.

· Redeveloped spare parts (for HP and SP sections) for the steam turbine 13K215 manufactured by Zamech Elbląg — 1 set (hereinafter: appendix no. 1 constituting a part of the set).

· A new LP rotor by Westinghouse with a set of components to retrofit LP section of 200 MW turbines (types 13K215, TK-200) — 1 set (hereinafter: appendix no. 2 with a list of parts comprising these sets).

· A new LP rotor by Westinghouse with a set of components to retrofit LP section of 200 MW turbines (types 13K215, TK-200) — 1 set (hereinafter: appendix no. 3 with a list of parts comprising these sets).

2.Materials to be sold can be viewed at ZE PAK S.A. from 13.01/2022 to 19.01/2022, from 08:00 a.m. to 01:00 p.m. upon prior approval of the time and submission of a relevant Declaration no. 1a.

3.The Seller permits written inquiries until 19.01/2022, 01:00 a.m., to be addressed to Robert Kowalczyk, e-mail:

4. Required minimum price: PLN as specified in app. no. 1, 2, and 3.

5. Conditions of pick-up of the Subject of sale:

a)Time of pick-up: within 60 business days from the day of signing the contract by the Buyer.

b)Place of pick-up:

- Elektrownia Konin, ul. Przemysłowa 158;

- Elektrownia Pątnów, ul. Kazimierska 45.

c) Loading and road transport — on the part of the Buyer.

d) The Buyer is required to pick up all materials for which the quotation was submitted.

6. Payment method and date:

a)Prior to pick-up the Buyer shall make an advance payment in the amount of 100% of the price of the bid net value deducted by a tender security deposited in the form of a transfer to ZE PAK S.A. bank account: mBank S.A.: 43 1140 1124 0000 5847 4500 1001.

b) VAT shall be settled pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Act of 11/03/2004 on value added tax (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1221, as amended).

c) Transfer shall be made within 14 days from the day of invoice submission.

7. Submission of a quotation is tantamount to:

a)reading, understanding, and accepting the contents of this call for quotations, regulations of the Internet Purchasing Platform (Internetowa Platforma Zakupowa) provided by Logintrade Sp. z.o.o.;

b) reading, understanding, and accepting the draft contract and a declaration of no objections to the contract;

c)the Bidder’s declaration that it has acknowledged the factual and legal circumstances of the subject of the quotation and raises no objections in this respect;

d)a confirmation of correctness of contact details entered into the Internet Purchasing Platform (Internetowa Platforma Zakupowa) of the Seller (if applicable);

e)a confirmation of possession of a power of attorney to submit quotations on behalf of the Bidder by a person submitting a quotation via the Internet Purchasing Platform (Internetowa Platforma Zakupowa) of the Seller (if applicable);

f)if the Bidder participates in a tie-break — a confirmation of acceptance of tie-break terms and conditions provided in the description;

g)a declaration of the Bidder that it has fulfilled the data privacy obligations provided in Art. 13 or Art. 14 of the GDPR for natural persons from which the Bidder directly or indirectly obtained their personal data for the purposes of participation in this tender procedure, and it has read and understood the data privacy notice;

h)a declaration of the Bidder that it is an active VAT payer, whereas the lack of status of an active VAT payer requires a clear indication in the content of the quotation (applies to economic entities);

i)a declaration of the Bidder that the quotation will be valid for 60 days from the date of completion of collection of quotations specified herein, and in the event when a tie-break in the form of negotiations or an auction is carried out, the Bidder will not modify its quotation during the tie-break period and the Bidder’s quotation will remain valid in the period provided herein.

8. Quotations:

a) Quotations shall be accepted from: 19.01/2022, 14:00 a.m.

b) Quotations shall be accepted to: 31.01/2022, 01:00 p.m.

c) Submission of partial quotation: permitted.

d) Quotations shall be submitted via Logintrade Internet Purchasing Platform (Internetowa Platforma Zakupowa) or in closed envelopes at the LUSK Sales Department in Elektrownia Pątnów, building B, floor I (office reception area).

i) Method of addressing and describing an envelope:

1)Address: ZE PAK S.A., LUSK Sales Department, 62-510 Konin, ul. Kazimierska 45, building B.

2) An envelope shall have the following inscription:

“Quotation for the Tender: Sale of redundant materials and spare parts of a turbine 13K215 manufactured by Zamech Elbląg and a rotor NP Westinghouse as specified in app. no. 1 and procedure number. Do not open until 31.01/2022, 01:00 p.m.”.

e) Quotations shall be opened without the Bidders’ participation. PAK KWB Konin S.A. shall inform all Bidders of tender results in writing.

f) Quotation selection criterion: highest price.

g) A quotation shall include:

i) data of the Bidder submitting the quotation;

j)offered net unit price in PLN;

k) e-mail address for communication;

l) legible signature of the Bidder or signature with stamp containing full name.

9. Formal requirements concerning participation in the procedure:

a) Submission of a quotation in the form and within the date specified herein.

b) Provision of the following documents using an Internet quotation form or in a closed envelope:

1) a valid transcript from relevant register or a valid declaration on entry into the business activity register issued no later than 6 months before the lapse of quotation submission date (applies to economic entities);

2) a declaration on assignment of NIP (Tax ID Number) (applies to economic entities);

3) a declaration on assignment of REGON (Statistical ID Number) (applies to economic entities);


10. Required tender security:

a) the condition to participate in the tender is to pay a tender security in the amount of 10% of net price for the subject of sale; as specified in app. no. 1, 2, and 3.

b) The tender security shall be paid in cash to the following bank account of ZE PAK S.A.: mBank S.A. 43 1140 1124 0000 5847 4500 1001 on a day of submission of a given quotation at the latest. Date of receipt at the Seller’s bank account shall be decisive.

c) The security deposit may be provided in the following forms: in cash, as a bank guarantee, as an insurance guarantee, or as a bank surety.

d) The security deposit provided by the Bidder whose quotations have not been selected shall be reimbursed immediately upon quotation selection, and the security deposit of the Bidder whose quotation has been accepted shall be recorded towards the price.

e) The security deposit provided in cash shall be reimbursed in the amount in which it was provided without interest.

f)The security deposit shall be forfeited to the Seller if the Bidder whose quotation has been accepted does not pay the remaining part of the price within two weeks from written notification of quotation acceptance.

g) The security deposit may be retained in the event when the Recipient refrains from written confirmation or confirmation via e-mail to the following of a pick-up order, refrains from written confirmation or confirmation via e-mail to the following of a quotation submitted under an on-line auction or negotiations, or has not paid on time 100% of the estimated value price due to reasons attributable to the Recipient.

11. Miscellaneous:

a) Communication with the Bidders during the sales process shall be performed using regular mail,
e-mail, and in the event of confirmation of the procedure via the purchasing platform — using this platform.

b) Due to the fact that the subject of sale is used and is not subject to a warranty and return, it should be carefully inspected prior to the submission of a quotation, in particular prior to pick-up, as any claims pertaining to its condition or quality shall not be processed.

c) The Seller reserves the right to cancel the tender in full or in part without giving any reason.

d) The Seller shall not incur the costs of development of quotations.

e) The Seller has the right to select a quotation or close the Tender at any time without selecting a quotation and without giving a reason for such a decision in a free manner.

f) To matter not settled herein General Terms and Conditions of Sale available at: shall apply.

           Opracował: Robert Kowalczyk                                                          Zatwierdził: Ciupa Wiesław


1. Declarations

2. Appendix no. 1

3. Appendix no. 2

4. Appendix no. 3

5. Draft contract

6. illustrative photos


Lp. Nazwa produktu Ilość Jednostka Indeks Załącznik/Link
1. as specified in app. no. 1, 2, and 3. 1 szt. 0000000000

Dodatkowe warunki formalne:

Pytania do postępowania w ramach zapytania ofertowego "LUSK - Sale of redundant materials and spare parts of a turbine 13K215 manufactured by Zamech Elbląg and a rotor NP Westinghouse as specified in app. no. 1, 2, and 3."

Lp. Tytuł pytania Data wysłania pytania Status
Brak wyników do wyświetlenia

Dodatkowe pytania do oferty


Waluta: PLN

Data i godzina rozpoczęcia przyjmowania ofert:

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Data i godzina zakończenia przyjmowania ofert:

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Data i godzina zakończenia zadawania pytań:

- - :


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3. Rejestracja w bazie dostawców naszej firmy, przeglądanie zapytań ofertowych oraz składanie ofert handlowych jest bezpłatne.

4. Jeśli nie posiadasz konta na platformie zakupowej Logintrade zarejestruj się w bazie dostawców w celu otrzymania loginu i hasła do swojego konta. Jedno konto dostawcy umożliwia otrzymywanie zapytań ofertowych od wielu kupców.

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